Dr. Tom Scheinfeldt
"Our salaries are paid by the state. Our research
is funded by tax payers. Our work is reviewed by
volunteers. The costs of online distribution are
essentially zero. What in this equation suggests we
should be charging our students, colleagues, and
fellow citizens for access?"
Dr. Donald Seto
"Open access is an interesting concept with ramifications
perhaps unanticipated. While readers and researchers can
access the information freely, the burden of $1600 or more,
even with discounts, for publishing a single manuscript,
one that impacts "Promotion and Tenure" among other things,
frequently falls to the researcher. Not all, especially
university faculty, are well-funded and therefore are not
able to publish in these journals. Of course the ones who
can are able to support their funding requests- setting up a gap."
Dr. Monique van Hoek
"It was Thomas Jefferson, not only author of the
Declaration of Independence and President of the US
but also founder of the University of Virginia, who said,
'He would receives an idea from me, receives instruction
himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his
taper at mine receives light without darkening me. That
ideas should freely spread from one to another over the
globe....seems to have been peculiarly and benevolently
designed by nature, when she made them...incapable of
confinement or exclusive appropriation.' Open access is
about increasing the spread of ideas around the globe,
distributing our scientific and academic findings for the
good and the use of all people." |
Dr. Edward Maibach
"Publishing in open access journals
is a great way to enhance the impact
of your scholarship."
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